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Melissa Loble

Chief Customer Experience Officer, Instructure


Learning Innovation Opportunities  Resulting from the Pandemic

Together we will explore opportunities for innovation in learning in higher education driven by the rapid change from the pandemic. We will discuss questions including: What role will the student play in learning moving forward? What new factors should we consider as we craft future learning spaces? How do we prepare for the unexpected and ensure we succeed brilliantly as an industry?

9:00 – 9:30 a.m.

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Kimberly Ellis

Instructional Designer, Instructure

Best of the Best: A Showcase of Canvas Courses Utilizing Best Practices


This session is intended to inspire, help you dream big, and get your creative juices flowing! 
We will be exploring exemplary Canvas courses built by Instructure's Instructional Design team, and we'll be discussing best practices along the way.

9:30 – 10:10 a.m.

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Jeri Lynn Parish

eLearning Coordinator, ECCC

Common Ground: An Online and On-campus Community Breaking the Negative Stigma of Mental Health


This session will explore the negative stigma surrounding mental health and how we can be better advocates.


Our goal is to provide our audience with tools so that the topic of mental health can be normalized. Fostering mutual respect among community college students will help change student mindsets, improve student quality of life, and improve student retention rates.

9:30 – 10:10 a.m.

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Lauren Burlison

Canvas Queen 

Organizing Content in Canvas


Join us for a session on best practices with instructional tools. See the best methods to organize course content within Canvas. The presentation will examine course layouts, how to organize Canvas Modules, creating assignment templates, and course click-ability and fluidity.

10:20 –11:00 a.m.  

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Alan Kinsey

Instructional Design Specialist, Holmes CC

Studio and You


Come discuss the implementation of Canvas Studio in our online and face-to-face community college context. We will discuss implementation, training, and faculty feedback on using Studio to better engage students across our institution.

9:30 – 10:10 a.m.

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Marie Roberts, Ed.D.

Instructional Technologist, LCSD

Grade School Sorcery: Using Canvas to Support K-12 Instruction


Instructional incantations and bewitching best practices await as we unveil the secrets of using Canvas to support K- 12 classrooms. Come one, come all to pull back the curtain on practical tricks for face-to-face, hybrid, and fully virtual K- 12 classrooms. See the magic for yourself with course templates, how-tos on documenting minimum instructional activities, and more.

10:20 –11:00 a.m. 

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Cole Groom

Cole Groom

Regional Director for Impact 

Introducing Impact by Instructure 


Come check out Instructure's new product offering. This session will showcase how Impact can be used to create just-in-time, custom messaging right within Canvas that can assist your teachers and students as they navigate their courses, access usage data for all of the native Canvas tools as well as installed Apps/ LTIs, take action on Canvas usage metrics to improve areas of low adoption, provide users with 24/7 in-app support, and reduce escalated support requests by 50%+.

11:10 –11:50 a.m.

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Martin LaGrow, Ed.D.

LMS Admin & Academic Consultant, Ellucian 

Synchronous Learning and Assessment: Shifting Techniques to Meet Shifting Modalities


This presentation will focus on strategies to effectively present online lessons to increase student participation and engagement and assess authentic learning regardless of the software tool or platform being used. Participants will learn the “sandwich cookie” method of presenting live webinars to increase student engagement and participation. Participants will contrast the value of measuring student learning versus student engagement. Participants will strategize assessment methods that emphasize mastery of concepts over retention of facts.

11:10 –11:50 a.m.

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Demetria White

Director of Institutional Effectiveness & Research, Tougaloo College

Synchronous Learning and Assessment: Shifting Techniques to Meet Shifting Modalities


This presentation will focus on strategies to effectively present online lessons to increase student participation and engagement and assess authentic learning regardless of the software tool or platform being used. Participants will learn the “sandwich cookie” method of presenting live webinars to increase student engagement and participation. Participants will contrast the value of measuring student learning versus student engagement. Participants will strategize assessment methods that emphasize mastery of concepts over retention of facts.

11:10 –11:50 a.m.

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